Month: October 2014

WOD – October 30

Today I still felt tired but got my ass in gear to work. I did HIITMAX Workout 29, which is 4 HIITs, I was definitely slow on the last one. And in between each HIIT I worked biceps and back. Tomorrow is an off day, I’m going on a field trip with a million grade 3’s, well its not really a million but that’s what it will sound like on the hour bus ride. After the field trip and trick or treating I’ll be ready for many well earned drinks!



Inclined Hammer Curls -15lbs

Concentration Curls – 15lbs

Barbell Curl – 20lbs

Alternate Dumbell Curl – 15lbs


One leg deadlifts – 30lbs

Back Extensions – 15lbs

One Armed Dumbell Rows – 20lbs

Barbell Row – 20lbs



Rock Climbing

After my WOD yesterday I was ready for some rest today. My muscles were aching and mentally I needed a break too. So I went in for some fun active rest and went rock climbing with the hubs today. We just started climbing back in June, part of the reason was to work on getting over my fear of heights in preparation for one of my bucket list items,  trekking in the Himalayas. So went to our amazing local gym Grand River Rocks, got belay certified and started climbing. I can’t begin to describe how much both of us love it. It’s so different from anything I’ve ever done before, it’s challenging not just physically but mentally as well. And the best part is we can do it as a family, the kids are little monkeys.

So there’s two ways you can climb at our gym, top roping, when your roped in and climb over 20 feet, or bouldering, when your not tied in and are climbing to about 13 feet. We are really loving the bouldering right now and that’s were we spend most of our time. There are a bunch of different routes set up of different difficulties starting at green. I’m able to do most of the green’s and now I’m working on the next level, yellows. I can’t tell you the high/rush/surge of self confidence it gives to you get to the top or even to get the the next highest hold of the route you’re working on. I’m hooked!



WOD – October 28

I feel like I didn’t stop moving today! It was a grey kinda day so I was happy to brighten up with a walk with a great friend. We met up at an indoor track and walked for about an hour. We were definitely the youngest people there, but age apparently is just a number as some of these retirees where lapping us consistently! I think our mouths got a better workout then our legs 🙂

Today was leg day so when I got home I got right to work. In between sets I did Day 2 of HITMAX. I love these workouts so much, they completely kill me!


Squats – 35lbs

Walking Lunges – 20lbs

Calve Raises – 20lbs

Plie Squats – 20lbs

Bulgarian Split Squats – 20lbs

Glute Bridges – 5lbs

Wall Sits – 20lbs

Walking up the stairs was so difficult after this workout today! One more workout tonight (if I can still stand) and that’s boxing with the hubs, a great way to let off some steam!





Beginning Again

Being a stay at home mom is a funny thing. For the first 4 years of your kids’ lives you are completely consumed with their care and preparing them for that ineveitable day that they test their wings and take off for that first day of school. You completely miss out on preparing yourself for that day though. I think this hits mom’s with kids with special needs harder than other mom’s in a way. My son has autism and even though he is in grade 3 now I’ve spent the last 4 years conferencing with the school, teachers, principal and therapists to make sure all the supports are in place for him to be successful. Not to mention the biweekly calls last year when he was having daily outbursts. It’s really been a full time job.

This year however Tristan is settling in better than expected and my incredible daughter is taking to grade 1 like a fish to water. So with both kids in school full time and both mostly settled in I find myself at loose ends. Don’t get me wrong, I am LOVING it!! A quiet house, time to cook and clean and run errands. But I do find myself wanting something, something I can call my own, something I can build, whether its a career or fun hobby I’m not sure. It’s nice to have some time to get back to me though. To work on my identity outside of mommy. The big question is what do I want to be when I grow up? That’s the question I hope to answer this school year.

For now I’m going to keep it simple and do what I love, run, throw some weights around and write.
